Hotel Amenities

Hotel Amenities

Buy Eco friendly hotel amenities, customized hotel amenities, branded hotel amenities

Customize Your Hotel Amenities

You can personalize your hotel amenities from our various amenities items, each item is available for you to make your hotel amenities exclusive luxury. Bespoke hotel amenities with your unique logo and brand is most welcome. Private label hotel amenities at most affordable cost.

Wholesale Hotel Amenities

Full set of top luxury Hotel Amenities for sale at Petop Hotel Supply, We provide branded hotel toiletries CLASSIC ALLY ZHENG, NATURAL HERB TRENDS and ECO FRIENDLY GBGE to fulfill the rising various demand of hotels. Well designed personal care and bath and body care accessories such as dental kit, shaving kit, vanity kit, Loofah sponge are available. Buy it to happy your valuable guest!

Distribute Hotel Amenities

Various high-quality and luxury hotel amenities have been distributed to many quality hotels, resorts and lodging properties over 15 years. Quick hotel door delivery service is available. 

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ALLY ZHENG Cobalt Blue Luxury Hotel Amenity Set

ALLY ZHENG Cobalt Blue Luxury Hotel Amenity SetALLYZHENG is a hotel toiletries brand mildly formulated with green tea extracts, rich and thick texture..

ALLY ZHENG Classic White Hotel Toiletries Set

ALLY ZHENG Classic White Hotel Toiletries Set in stockALLYZHENG is a hotel toiletries brand mildly formulated with sweet and fresh Green Tea extracts,..

HERB TRENDS Classic Botanic Hotel Amenity Kit

HERB TRENDS Classic Botanic Hotel Amenity KitHERB TRENDS is a Chinese herbal style hotel toiletries amenity brand, formulated with natural plant-based..

GBGE Business Black Collection Hotel Amenities

GBGE Business Black Collection Hotel AmenitiesGBGE is the abbreviation of Green Bath, Green Earth! It is an eco-friendly hotel bath amenity brand, mil..

GBGE Classic Clear Hotel Amenities Collection

GBGE Classic Clear Hotel Amenities CollectionGBGE is an eco-friendly hotel bath amenity brand, mildly formulated with natural ingredients originating ..

GBGE First Class Fresh Hotel Amenities Collection

GBGE First Class Fresh Hotel Amenities CollectionGBGE is an eco-friendly hotel bath amenity brand, mildly formulated with natural ingredients originat..

GBGE Basic Hotel Amenity Set

GBGE Basic Hotel Amenity SetGBGE is mildly formulated with natural ingredients originating from plants, containing almond oil, palm oil, Shea butter, ..

GBGE Biodegradable Hotel Amenities Set

GBGE Biodegradable Hotel Amenities SetGBGE is the abbreviation of Green Bath, Green Earth! It is an eco-friendly hotel bath amenity brand, mildly form..

GBGE Bamboo Sustainable Hotel Bath Amenities

GBGE Bamboo Sustainable Hotel Bath AmenitiesBamboo made toothbrush, shaving razor and comb, biodegadable shower cap, cotton pads, ear buds with bamboo..

Hello Angel Biodegradable Hotel Bath Amenities

Hello Angel Biodegradable Hotel Bath AmenitiesBiodegradable wheat straw made toothbrush, shaving razor and comb, biodegadable shower cap, cotton pads,..


Consolidated Shipping              Free Design             Quality Assurance            On Time Delivery

One-stop hotel supplier and important hospitality partner. We have worked with them many years, customized products free design, professional service, consolidated shipping and door delivery are great helpful for small hotels like us.
- Ayrton Crisler
We are repeat buyers since 2015. They always offer us free designs for our customized products. Their products are good quality with competitive price.
- Nicole Tuboly
We are happy with Petop's professional service. They consolidated shipment for all our customized products needed in the hotel, professional handling and on time deliveries.
- Rodney Benson
What a professional supplier! It is just one call and Petop Hotel Supply professionally create complete product list and recommend us so many products that are all needed to operate our hotel.
- Daniel Hartwig
We are very pleased with the customized products, quality assurance and on time delivery to our resort. They not only create additional savings but also add value to the guest experience. Great partner to us!
- Gabriella H.
You can easily get your customized hotel products here, good communication, efficient service and quality guarantee, how professional they are!
- Marcella Ghia